MPth (Neuro) Co-founder and Chief Physiotherapist PhysioGenics: Musculoskeletal and Neuro Rehab centre Aquatic therapist
Master of Health Science in Physical Therapy ( Msk)- USA Founder - AquaHeal Physiotherapy, Mumbai . Aquatic therapist
BPTh , CCE (USA), Aquatic therapist(IATF Swiss) Founder : Aquamax rehab and wellness Pvt Ltd.
M.PTh Pediatrics, C/NDT, C/AT Senior physiotherapist and Clinical head Aquatherapy, SRCC CCD Hajiali, Mumbai.
MPT (Adult Neurology & Psychomatic disorders) Senior Physiotherapist & Aquatic Therapist
MPT(Neurology), Co-Founder and Chief Physiotherapist Meraaki Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Centre, Mumbai.
MPT (Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy) Senior physiotherapist and Assistant Professor KJ Somaiya College of Physiotherapy,Mumbai
MPTh (Neuro Physiotherapy) Senior Physiotherapist & Aquatic therapist
MPTh ( Neuroscience) Senior Physiotherapist and Aquatic therapist
MPTh (preventive and community physiotherapy) Clinical instructor WOW IIPRE Senior physiotherapist and pelvic floor rehabilitation consultant
MPTh ( Musculoskeletal and Sports) Senior Physiotherapist Dr. Amit Kohli's physiotherapy center,Mumbai Aquatic therapist
BPTh, C/NDT (Paediatric), C/AT Sushiksha Intervention Centre, Andheri
Feel free to contact us, and we will be happy to answer all of your questions.