Membership Benefits


– Grow your Aquatic Therapy Community by the opportunity to connect with national and international Aquatic practitioners.

– Exchange ideas; find solutions for unique problems in aquatic practice, and gain knowledge of various practices happening across the globe with Aquatic practitioners.

– Develop a support group and meet locally, to learn practice techniques from each other.

Continued Education program & Sustaining competency

– There will be connection to many educational programs offered worldwide through the platform of ATNI.

– There will be a strive by ATNI to sustain competency of their members by monitoring Aquatic Professional Development (APD) points.

– Get access to research articles when they are published on various platforms.

– Access to Webinars, and various online educational programs that are given by national and international experts.

– Ability to announce education programs on the ATNI platform to enable sharing personal experiences and knowledge.

– Participate in Research projects to be a part in the development of evidence.

– ATNI members will be eligible for discounts on course fee, conference fee and other benefits in association with affiliated international organisations. This will be an exclusive member only benefit.

Professional support

– Refer cases and get reference to yourself from aquatic colleagues located in various parts of the country.

– As ATNI member you can list yourself as an Aquatic professional after fulfilling the eligibility criteria. Once listed as ATNI Registered Practitioner, your name will pop-up in our search registry for clients searching aquatic therapy services.

– Share your professional profile for potential clients to make decision on using your services.

– Share success stories of your professional work, with others.

– Share your upcoming professional events related with Aquatic therapy.

– Get access to the latest guidelines and standards for practice.

Public Awareness:

– Be part of ATNI’s outreach program on public awareness by holding seminars, educational programs and Aquatic Therapy Camps.

– This can include creation of posters, paid advertising, media placements, and public service announcements.

– Participate in International Aquatic Day Celebrations initiated by ATNI or any other International Affiliations of ATNI.

How do I become a member?

Need Help?


Feel free to contact us, and we will be happy to answer all of your questions.