Frequently Asked Questions

Aquatic professional FAQ’s 

Under Home Tab, you can use the search feature, you will be able to search by Location, Qualification or by Name. 

The professional qualifications are listed in the profile of the practitioner. 

  • ATNI registered practitioners should have completed the mandatory educational hours apart from their primary qualification before accepting patients for aquatic therapy. 

  • To maintain competency and to be retained as registered practitioner they will be undergoing continuous education. The credit hours of such education will be logged and renewed every two years 

  • Hence, ATNI registered practitioners are expected to be competent in delivering the required care in water.  

  • All the registered practitioners are certified in Nationally valid BLS – basic life support which will be renewed every two years.  
  • An Aquatic Therapy practitioner is essentially a Physiotherapist, or an Occupational therapist educated in mandatory educational hours as per ATNI standards and guidelines to become an Aquatic Therapist. They are eligible and qualified to treat clinical problems with specific goals and treatment plan. 

  • An Aquatic Bodywork practitioner could be a fitness practitioner, yoga instructor or any individual who undergoes an education program in Aqua Fitness (as per AEA) or Watsu (as per Watsu India) along with a primary qualification. They are eligible to hold Aqua fitness sessions (group or individual) based on fitness principles or give Watsu sessions. They will have to refer clinical problems to competent professionals
  • Reference from any Medical/paramedical professional 

  • Recommendation/prescription by the treating Physiotherapist or Occupational Therapist. 

  • Search for a registered ATNI practitioner and make a direct contact with the practitioner. 

  • It is possible that the treating physician may refer to professionals other than ATNI registered practitioner. It is the decision of the patient to receive session from them, but ATNI will not be responsible for such therapists.

Aquatic Session FAQ’s

No, knowing swimming is not a compulsion.

At the time of initial screening, Aquatic Practitioner will understand your thoughts towards water and will be providing you an orientation with enough time to become acclimatized to water environment.

  • It will not mean Aquatic Therapy. Whirlpool is using water to cleansing wounds and provide some benefits of water, in a small tank specially built for this purpose.
  • There is a list of Contraindications for Aquatic Therapy. Based on the facility this can be an absolute contraindication. If incontinence can be managed by waterproof diapers, weighing risk and benefit, patient can still be accepted for the session. 
  • There are different concepts in Aquatics. One of It is Aqua fitness and water aerobics will be a part of this to achieve endurance goals. 

Aquatic Practitioner will be assisting you in entering and exiting the pool – based on your physical difficulties, and equipment available at the facility.

  • It depends on the problems, goals of the session and the concept that will be applied for the individual.  

  • The Aquatic therapy sessions can be either one on one or supervised based on the ability of the patient in water. The Aqua fitness session is typically supervised session unless there is a need for the practitioner to be in the pool for special circumstances. The Watsu is always a one on one session

A typical session is for 45 minutes but can be based on the goals of the session, type of concept being used. 

The cost can vary from type of session, experience of the practitioner, facility costs, whether it is a single session or group session, whether you are paying it as a package or for one session, type of area – urban, semiurban or rural. It will not be possible to state a specific amount.  

Testing and maintaining proper levels of water sanitation inactivate the COVID-19 virus. properly disinfecting the pool room and surfaces between therapy sessions as per the guideline will render it safe to prevent COVID-19 transmission.

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